Thursday, October 23, 2008
Not Such a Good Day
OK...I admit it. I'm not having a good day today. Why do I feel guilty? Why do I feel like I'll never be the same again...I mean, I lost my mom only 9 month ago. It still feels so real - so permanent. I can't explain it. Every night I sit here in my house and cry - missing her beyond words. I think of all the things she's missing out on. But most of all, I really think about all the things my son, Christopher, and nephew, Jake, are missing out on with their Grandma...I'm sorry all - I really hate this...I really miss my mom...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday Greetings
Hello! We are back from the lake. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Hot during the day and crisp at night. A few more weekends and we will be packing it up for the season. Always makes me a little sad but then it also reminds me the holidays are right around the corner and who doesn't love that! I took a ton of pictures this weekend. I'm happy about that since I've been remiss in my responsibilities throughout summer. I think I might have made up for it this weekend! I'll get them downloaded soon so I can share a few.
Anyway, it's gonna be a short post today. Time for dinner. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Anyway, it's gonna be a short post today. Time for dinner. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Slacker - I know!
Once again, I've neglected my blog. I've been blog surfing and playing on Facebook instead - shame on me. Right now, I'm enjoying a glass of Penfolds, Thomas Hyland, South Australia, Shiraz, Vintage 2002. Just in time too. I'd say it's reached it's maturity level. Much longer in the cellar and it wouldn't be any good. Anyway, last month I made the trek to California again in honor of my 20 year class reunion. Wow! That about sums it up. For starters, I can't believe it's been 20 years and I can't believe how much fun I had! It was great seeing everyone. During the trip I took my son, Christopher, to Disneyland for the first time. We had a blast but what a long day - my dogs were screaming after 12 hours of walking around. 13 miles I put on my shoes that day. We also went to the Aquarium of the Pacific and the Queen Mary over the course of the trip.

Here's a pic from the reunion of me and two of my best girlfriends, Jennifer (left side) and Danielle (middle). Love you guys!
In other news...My girlfriend, Elissa, and I are taking Italian through work. We are so giddy over the idea. The class actually turned out to be semi-private since it's just me and her! Crazy. Class starts October 6. Wish us luck - we've heard it's a very aggressive class since it's taken over the course of 8 weeks. So, we'll see.
I've got some layouts to share but I'm having a really hard time getting a decent picture of them. It just blows me away they haven't developed a true 12x12 scanner for scrapbookers! I mean, can you image the money they'd make? So until then, I'll keep working on the lighting to capture a picture worthy of uploading!
That's it for now. Have a creative day!

Here's a pic from the reunion of me and two of my best girlfriends, Jennifer (left side) and Danielle (middle). Love you guys!
In other news...My girlfriend, Elissa, and I are taking Italian through work. We are so giddy over the idea. The class actually turned out to be semi-private since it's just me and her! Crazy. Class starts October 6. Wish us luck - we've heard it's a very aggressive class since it's taken over the course of 8 weeks. So, we'll see.
I've got some layouts to share but I'm having a really hard time getting a decent picture of them. It just blows me away they haven't developed a true 12x12 scanner for scrapbookers! I mean, can you image the money they'd make? So until then, I'll keep working on the lighting to capture a picture worthy of uploading!
That's it for now. Have a creative day!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
What a find!
Hi all!

I hurt my back yesterday so today I'm a little slow. Slept on a heating pad hoping that would help. Tried some stretching too but, it seems tighter today. Bummer! My DH had to go back to Florida. He came home on Thursday, got a call Friday morning a was told to get on a plane immediately. He left at 5PM Friday and won't be back until next Friday - Crazy!
As I was doing my regular weekly shopping at Walmart yesterday, I found my way over to the scrapbooking supply aisle (imagine that) and came upon a wonderful find!
I didn't know Walmart carried Martha Stewart Crafts! And (shh), it's cheaper than Michael's! So, I proceeded to load up on some supplies. See picture. I'm loving the stamps and the punches.
Got some scrapbooking in last night. Made this cute little layout of my son. I pretty much scraplifted from the Stampin' Up catalog. I'm so behind on my scrapbooking: this is when he was 3 1/2 - he's 11 now!

I hurt my back yesterday so today I'm a little slow. Slept on a heating pad hoping that would help. Tried some stretching too but, it seems tighter today. Bummer! My DH had to go back to Florida. He came home on Thursday, got a call Friday morning a was told to get on a plane immediately. He left at 5PM Friday and won't be back until next Friday - Crazy!
Well, that's it for now. Hope you have a creative day!
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Freedom
Have you seen this: ? I love Shimelle's classes. Check it out and join me!
So an update on the scrapbooking...I DID get a chance to create a few layouts on Saturday - woohoo! Finally. I'm hoping to upload them here soon. That would be a first.
I'm so behind in updating my blog with what's been going on in the past few months...My DH and I went back to Maui in June and then spent a week at Norfork Lake in Arkansas. Here's a few pics from Maui:
Sorry the pics are so small. I'm still trying to get the hang of uploading images.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
What to do today...
I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee contemplating my day...I've got a lot of free time this weekend - my DH is on business travel thru Thursday. You'd think I would be taking this opportunity to scrapbook at every waking minute I wasn't at work, but no not me. So, I'm thinking this weekend would be perfect to do something! But first I've got to clear a space in my disaster of a scraproom! What a mess.
My previous post promised I was going to be better at posting on a regular basis - blew that! But, I'm here now. My mother-in-law just called asking if I wanted to have lunch with her today...scrapbooking plans on hold but not to worry - I will create something today! Maybe, I'll even post to my blog what I accomplish this weekend...Wouldn't that be something?!
Anyway, have a creative day!
My previous post promised I was going to be better at posting on a regular basis - blew that! But, I'm here now. My mother-in-law just called asking if I wanted to have lunch with her today...scrapbooking plans on hold but not to worry - I will create something today! Maybe, I'll even post to my blog what I accomplish this weekend...Wouldn't that be something?!
Anyway, have a creative day!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Oh Happy Day!
Hello! Once again, it's been awhile. But, I'm not sweatin' it. I've got a new goal...I'm going to update my blog at least once a week. It's an achievable goal - one I can better with time (ultimately would like a daily update but who's kidding?) Hope y'all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Mine was pretty much rained out but I've got plently of time left in boating season to go boating - imagine that.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day?
It's late. I should be in bed right now but I'm not. My brother, Scott, just left and I put my son and husband to bed...I'm not gonna lie, today was a not so good day...I'm missing my mom a lot. Went to the cemetary today to wish her Happy Mother's Day. I really wish I could hear her voice or put my arms around her for a nice hug. I'd even take another scolding from her if it meant she was still here...First Mother's Day without her...It's been 4 months. I tried to stay busy but my thoughts always drift to her...I'm really feeling like I'm the only one in the world feeling like this right now. I feel alone and it upsets me. I'm trying, honest.
My sweet son made me breakfast today; he's 10. How cool is that? I mean, all by himself. Scrambled the eggs and toasted the bread. Very lucky. He also make me a card and gave me a potted petunia.
Well, I'm just kinda rambling now. Hope everyone had a wonderful day today - Mother's Day. Here's a picture of me and my mom at my bridal shower...miss you.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
An update...
Well, it's been awhile since my last post but a lot has happened recently in my life. My mom passed away in January from complications of elective surgery and I've been coming to grips with the loss and just trying to deal with life without her. She was 57. One never thinks about losing someone close - especially your mom; it's something you don't want to think about, knowing it will happen someday, but not today...I've been told the day will come when I can wake up in the morning and not immediately think about her, or not reach for the phone to call her for advice or to tell her how my day was. I've been told the day will come when the pain will subside enough that I won't cry everyday...I'm not there yet. So, I'm going to take one day at a time and do the best I can. If I can offer some advice - never take a moment with a loved one for granted and always tell them you love them!
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